Mainstreet Growth Marketing

Marketing Services for Steel Industry Suppliers
and Smaller Manufacturing Companies
A marketing services company that specializes in helping steel industry suppliers and smaller manufacturing companies achieve their growth goals through targeted marketing services.
Mainstreet Growth believes in:
•Short-term projects with deliverables.
•There is more to marketing than just social.
•Creative ideas and economical promotions.
•Marketing should reflect your company’s culture and philosophies.
•Marketing should be driven by your customer’s persona.
Today’s digital world is moving very fast. Let me help you make sense of it and provide input so you can make a good decision for your business. From branding, to email marketing and social, if you are committed to growth we should talk.
Joe Archacki Bio
Linked In profile - http://www.linkedin.com/in/joearchacki
Founder - MainStreet Growth, LLC. – Marketing services. Helping steel industry suppliers and smaller manufacturing companies achieve their growth goals through targeted marketing services.
Founder – Avon Lake Small Business Resource Connection. Free monthly workshops to network and grow local businesses. 20 workshops to date!
Past Chairman – Avon Lake Economic Development Advisory Board.
Past Chairman – Avon Lake Environmental Advisory Board.
Sales and Marketing executive with the Industrial Group of PPG Industries, a $12 billion global, Fortune 200 company. Joe has over 20 years of experience in the development of new business. He has created and implemented marketing strategies and plans that identified new markets and market adjacencies. He has created major new value-added sales methods and sold programs of products and services to large and small customers.
Before PPG, Joe was the sales manager for a small Cleveland start-up service company that he took to number one in a year. He also has previous experience in market development for an Import Export trading company start-up.
•Provided free monthly marketing workshops at Avon Lake Public Library.
•Membership committee – Lorain County Manufacturing Council
•Marketing committee - New Max Hayes – Wire Net
•Speaker – Neighborhood Leadership Development Program
•Provided free marketing workshops - City of Brunswick, Ohio
•Available free speaker for your meeting or event - Marketing trends, social, etc.
•Founded LinkedIn Group - Avon Lake Small Business Resource Connection.
•Marketing assistance – Business Expo 2013
•Marketing assistance – North Coast Community Woodshop
•Member – Lorain County Chamber of Commerce
We would welcome the opportunity to earn your trust and deliver you the best service in the industry.
Mainstreet Growth LLC Avon Lake, Ohio 440.387.3866