Mainstreet Growth Marketing

Marketing Services for Steel Industry Suppliers
and Smaller Manufacturing Companies
Strategy vs Tactics
Marketing is a lot of tactics, but they should be tied to an overall Strategy. Mainstreet Growth can help your company with marketing strategy as well as the tactics to grow revenue and profit.
Mainstreet Growth can provide business development for manufacturing companies. Business retention and growth are the number one priority for companies today. We can assist with formulating and executing a strategy that keeps your existing business viable and growing while assisting in the attraction of new business. If you are committed to growth, we should talk.
Manufacturing companies need to sell more to existing customers as well as develop a pipeline of new customers. You do not want a customer to ever say “I did not know you did that”!
In addition, manufacturers need feedback as to what products and services their customers and prospects need in the future. The voice of the customer is one tactic to formally obtain feedback.
Moreover, companies that want to grow must look to additional channels to market as well as additional new industries to supply.
I have spent many years developing and executing strategic plans that created new markets for products and services. I didn’t sit at a desk; I was traveling to meet with our customers and sales force.
Let’s meet and discuss your needs and see if we have a fit. I enjoy what I do and would like to meet with you.
Do you need a marketing audit? We can provide one.